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Return to In Person Services

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

February 20th

After reviewing the guidance from the Provincial Health Officer and assessing our local transmission rates MOLC Council has made the decision that we can return to in person services with additional safety measures in place.

We remind everyone that even with full vaccination transmission is still possible. Please assess your own comfort level and risks. This is not the time to let our guard down. We must continue to be vigilant with mask wearing, sanitizing and social distancing.

We will continue to review and assess the situation in our congregation, our local community and the province and will make the appropriate adjustments as necessary.

What to expect when you come to Mount Olive Worship Services

Before coming to Church:

Assess yourself for symptoms of COVID-19.

If you are sick or not feeling well do not attend in-person services and instead enjoy the livestream from the comfort of your home.

If you have been in contact with anyone diagnosed or showing symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home.

Vaccinations are required for all worship services and events. We also encourage everyone that is eligible to also receive their third booster.

Doors to the outside and to the Narthex will be kept open throughout the service to maximize the airflow in the Sanctuary. Please dress accordingly!!!

Upon Arrival to Mount Olive

Wearing of masks is mandatory for everyone 5+ upon entry and throughout the service.

Please follow the instructions of the greeters and ushers who are familiar with proper traffic flows and the revised safety practices.

When you enter the church building or sanctuary, please wash your hands with soap and water or use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrances and throughout the building.

Everyone must sign-in with their contact info and proof of vaccination.

Give others space. Physical/social distancing will be in place. Please be considerate knowing that not everyone will feel comfortable being close to others. Do not congregate in the Narthex.

Entering Worship

Pick up your bulletin (service books will not be available at this time) and follow the instructions of the ushers.

Offering Plates are found at the entrance to the sanctuary and will not be passed during the service.

Please sit with your family unit/bubble giving space to those around you.

Wearing of masks is mandatory for everyone 5+ throughout the service. Readers and celebrants will be allowed to speak without a mask when at the altar or pulpit, while maintaining physical distance from others.

YES we can SING! With masks on.

YES we can have Communion! (self-serve stations). Please follow the directions of the ushers and practice physical distancing as indicated by the floor markers.

Sharing of the Peace will be done at a safe distance from our seats.

After the Service

Greeting each other is limited to the parking lot before and after the service. Please do not congregate in the Narthex.

NO Coffee/Fellowship at this time


Returning to in person services takes many hands and numerous volunteers are needed each week. Please consider signing up for one of the Worship Assistant duties available each Sunday. From Greeters, to Ushers, Altar Guild, Counters, Readers and Assisting Ministers. Signup sheets will be available at the welcome desk each Sunday.


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