All communicable disease information (including Covid-19) from the Provincial Health Officer, Worksafe BC and the BC Synod office are monitored regularly. This includes orders, guidance, notices and recommendations. These are adjusted as necessary.
Before visiting Mount Olive, all staff, volunteers, members and guests are asked to assess themselves for symptoms of COVID-19. Please stay home if you are sick or feeling unwell, have been asked to self-isolate or have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19.
All Staff are supported and encouraged to work from home if sick or feeling unwell, have been asked to self-isolate or have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19.
Hand sanitizer stations are found throughout the building to encourage frequent hand washing. Signage is posted throughout the building and in all washrooms encouraging the most recent health recommendations.
Masks are required in all public spaces throughout the building.
We support and encourage all staff members, volunteers and members of Mount Olive to receive their Covid-19 vaccinations.
We maintain a clean environment through routine cleaning three times a week. Our ventilation system is properly maintained and functioning as designed. Doors are kept open to increase airflow during services and other larger events.
All staff and key volunteers are provided with the current communicable disease guide. This guide is also available on our website and in the church office.
We continue to review and assess the situation in our congregation, our local community and the province and will make adjustments as necessary.